
Flix supports row polymorphic extensible records.

Flix records are immutable (but may contain mutable reference cells).

Record Literals

A record literal is written with curly braces:

{ x = 1, y = 2 }

which has the record type { x = Int32, y = Int32 }.

The order of labels in a record does not matter. Hence the above record is equivalent to:

{ y = 2, x = 1 }

which has type { y = Int32, x = Int32 }. This type is equivalent to { x = Int32, y = Int32 }. In other words, the order of labels within a record type does not matter.

Label Access

We can access the label of a record using a dot:

let p = { x = 1, y = 2 };
p.x + p.y

The type system ensures that we cannot access a label that does not exist.

Records are immutable. Once constructed, the values of the record labels cannot be changed.

Label Update

While records are immutable, we can construct a new record with an updated label value:

let p1 = { x = 1, y = 2 };
let p2 = { x = 3 | p1 };
p1.x + p2.x

The expression { x = 3 | p1 } updates the record p1 with a new value of its x label. Note that updating a label requires that the label exists on the record. A record cannot be updated with a new label, but it can be extended with a new label, as we shall see later.

Record Extension

We can add a new label to an existing record as follows:

let p1 = { x = 1, y = 2 };
let p2 = { +z = 3 | p1 };
p1.x + p1.y + p2.z

Here the expression { +z = 3 | p1 } extends the record p1 with a new label z such that the result has three labels: x, y, and z all of which are of Int32 type.

Record Restriction

Similarly to record extension, we can also remove a label from a record:

let p1 = { x = 1, y = 2 };
let p2 = { -y | p1 };

Here the record p2 has the same labels as p1 except that the y label has been removed.

Row Polymorphism: Open and Closed Records

A function may specify that it requires a record with two labels:

def f(r: {x = Int32, y = Int32}): Int32 = r.x + r.y

We can call this function with the records { x = 1, y = 2 } and { y = 2, x = 1 }, but we cannot call it with the record { x = 1, y = 2, z = 3 } since the signature of f demands a record with exactly two labels: x and y. We say that the record r is closed.

We can lift this restriction by using row polymorphism:

def g(r: {x = Int32, y = Int32 | s}): Int32 = r.x + r.y

We can call this function with any record as long as it has x and y labels which are of type Int32. We say that the record type of r is open.

Named Parameters with Records

When a function has multiple parameters that share the same type, it is easy to get confused about the right argument order. For example, what does String.contains("Hello","Hello World") return? What does String.contains("Hello World", "Hello") return?

A common solution to this problem is to use named parameters. Flix supports a form of named parameters building on records. For example, we can write a function translate to translate from one language to another as follows:

def translate(from: {from = Language}, to: {to = Language}, text: String): String = ???

We can call this function as follows:

translate({from = English}, {to = French}, "Where is the library?")

Since such verbosity gets tedious, we can also use the syntactic sugar:

translate(from = English, to = French, "Where is the library?")

which is equivalent to the above.