Applicative For-Yield

In addition to the monadic forM expression, Flix supports an applicative forA expression that builds on the Applicative trait. The forA construct makes it simple to write error-handling code which uses the Validation[e, t] data type.

Working with Validations

We can use the forA expression to validate user input while collecting all errors.

enum Connection(String, String)

enum InvalidInput {
    case InvalidUserName,
    case InvalidPassword

def validateUser(s: String): Validation[InvalidInput, String] =
    if (8 <= String.length(s) and String.forAll(Char.isLetter, s))

def validatePass(s: String): Validation[InvalidInput, String] =
    if (12 <= String.length(s) and String.length(s) <= 20)

def connect(u: String, p: String): Validation[InvalidInput, Connection] = 
    forA (
        user <- validateUser(u);
        pass <- validatePass(p)
    ) yield Connection.Connection(user, pass)

The expression:

connect("Lucky Luke", "Ratata")

evaluates to:

Failure(Nec#{InvalidUserName, InvalidPassword})

which contains both input validation errors. On the other hand, the expression:

connect("luckyluke", "password12356789")

evaluates to:

Success(Connection(luckyluke, password12356789))

Applicatives are Independent Computations

We can write a monadic forM expression where the result of one monadic operation is used as the input to another monadic operation. For example:

forM(x <- Some(123);  y <- Some(x)) 
    yield (x, y)

Here the value of y depends on x. That is, the computation of x and y are not independent.

If we try to same with the applicative forA expression:

forA(x <- Some(123); y <- Some(x))
    yield (x, y)

then the Flix compiler emits a compiler error:

❌ -- Resolution Error --------------

>> Undefined name 'x'.

10 |         y <- Some(x)
                       name not found

because the computations of x and y are independent and hence the value of x is not in scope when we define the value of y.


The forA expression is syntactic sugar for uses of and Applicative.ap.

For example, the expression:

let o1 = Some(21);
let o2 = Some(42);
forA(x <- o1; y <- o2) 
    yield x + y;

is de-sugared to:

Applicative.ap( -> y -> x + y, o1), o2)