Structured Concurrency
Flix supports CSP-style concurrency with channels and processes inspired by Go and Rust.
Spawning Processes
We can spawn a process with the spawn
def main(): Unit \ IO = region rc {
spawn println("Hello from thread") @ rc;
println("Hello from main")
Spawned processes are always associated with a region; the region will not exit until all the processes associated with it have completed:
def slowPrint(delay: Int32, message: String): Unit \ IO =
def main(): Unit \ IO =
region r1 {
region r2 {
spawn slowPrint(2, "Hello from r1") @ r1;
spawn slowPrint(1, "Hello from r2") @ r2
println("r2 is now complete")
println("r1 is now complete")
This means that Flix supports structured concurrency; spawned processes have clearly defined entry and exit points.
Communicating with Channels
To communicate between processes we use channels. A channel allows two or more processes to exchange data by sending immutable messages to each other.
A channel comes in one of two variants: buffered or unbuffered. Channels are always associated with a region.
A buffered channel has a size, set at creation time, and can hold that many messages. If a process attempts to put a message into a buffered channel that is full, then the process is blocked until space becomes available. If, on the other hand, a process attempts to get a message from an empty channel, the process is blocked until a message is put into the channel.
An unbuffered channel works like a buffered channel of size zero; for a get and a put to happen both processes must rendezvous (block) until the message is passed from sender to receiver.
Here is an example of sending and receiving a message over a channel:
def main(): Int32 \ {Chan, NonDet, IO} = region rc {
let (tx, rx) = Channel.unbuffered();
spawn Channel.send(42, tx) @ rc;
Here the main
function creates an unbuffered
channel which returns Sender
and a Receiver
spawns the send
function, and waits
for a message from the channel.
As the example shows, a channel consists of two end points:
the Sender and the Receiver. As one would expect,
messages can only be send using the Sender
, and only
received using the Receiver
Selecting on Channels
We can use the select
expression to receive a
message from a collection of channels.
For example:
def meow(tx: Sender[String]): Unit \ Chan =
Channel.send("Meow!", tx)
def woof(tx: Sender[String]): Unit \ Chan =
Channel.send("Woof!", tx)
def main(): Unit \ {Chan, NonDet, IO} = region rc {
let (tx1, rx1) = Channel.buffered(1);
let (tx2, rx2) = Channel.buffered(1);
spawn meow(tx1) @ rc;
spawn woof(tx2) @ rc;
select {
case m <- recv(rx1) => m
case m <- recv(rx2) => m
} |> println
Many important concurrency patterns such as
producer-consumer and load balancers can be expressed
using the select
Selecting with Default
In some cases, we do not want to block until a message arrives, potentially waiting forever. Instead, we want to take some alternative action if no message is readily available. We can achieve this with a default case as shown below:
def main(): String \ {Chan, NonDet} = region rc {
let (_, rx1) = Channel.buffered(1);
let (_, rx2) = Channel.buffered(1);
select {
case _ <- recv(rx1) => "one"
case _ <- recv(rx2) => "two"
case _ => "default"
Here a message is never sent to r1
nor r2
The select
expression tries all cases, and if no
channel is ready, it immediately selects the default
Hence using a default case prevents the select
expression from blocking forever.
Selecting with Timeouts
As an alternative to a default case, we can use
tickers and timers to wait for pre-defined
periods of time inside a select
For example, here is a program that has a slow
function that takes a minute to send a message on
a channel, but the select
expression relies on
to only wait 5
seconds before
giving up:
def slow(tx: Sender[String]): Unit \ {Chan, IO} =
Channel.send("I am very slow", tx)
def main(): Unit \ {Chan, NonDet, IO} = region rc {
let (tx, rx) = Channel.buffered(1);
spawn slow(tx) @ rc;
let timeout = Channel.timeout(Time.Duration.fromSeconds(5));
select {
case m <- recv(rx) => m
case _ <- recv(timeout) => "timeout"
} |> println
This program prints the string "timeout"
after five
The Effects of Channels
As you might have noticed, the effects Chan
and NonDet
shows up when using channels.
Any operation on channels has the Chan
effect. This effect
says that the program is either modifying or accessing the global
state of channels.
The recv
operation on a channel has the NonDet
effect. This
is because the value you receive will, in the general case, be
non-deterministic, depending on the choices of the thread scheduler.
Two threads might be ready to send a value on a channel at the same
time, and it is up to the scheduler which one gets to send first.