Effect Polymorphism
In Flix, we can express that a function is pure (i.e. has no side-effects):
def inc(x: Int32): Int32 \ { } = x + 1
// ^^^ empty effect set
The inc
function is pure because its effect set is empty. When a function is
pure, we know that the function must return the same value when given the same
arguments. Moreover, the function cannot have any side-effect on the outside
We do not have to write the empty effect set. We can simply write:
def inc(x: Int32): Int32 = x + 1
In Flix, we can express that a function has a single effect:
def incAndPrint(x: Int32): Int32 \ {IO} =
let result = x + 1; // ^^^^ singleton effect set
Here the incAndPrint
function has the primitive IO
We can also express that a function has multiple effects:
def copyFile(src: File, dst: File): Unit \ {FsRead, FsWrite, IO} = ...
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ multiple effects
Here the copyFile
function has three primitive effects: FsRead
, FsWrite
and IO
In Flix, we can express a function that has a heap effect:
def nth(i: Int32, a: Array[t, r]): Option[a] \ {r} = ....
// ^^^ heap effect
Here the nth
function has a heap effect in the region r
We can also write functions that mix different effects:
def strange(a: Array[t, r]): Unit \ {r, Clock, Net, IO}
// ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ a mixture of effects
This function has a heap effect r
and three primitive effects: Clock
, and IO
Higher-Order Functions
When we write higher-order functions, we must think carefully about their effect behavior.
For example, we can write a higher-order function Set.exists
def exists(f: a -> Bool \ { }, s: Set[a]): Bool = ...
Here the exists
function enforces the predicate function f
to be pure. Why
would we do this? For at least two reasons: (a) it allows us to hide the
iteration order used in the set, and (b) it allows us to perform the counting in
Nevertheless, requiring a function to be pure unless necessary is considered a bad programming style. Instead, we should write effect polymorphic functions. An effect polymorphic function is a higher-order function whose effects depend on the effects of its function arguments.
For example, we can write an effect polymorphic map function:
def map(f: a -> b \ ef, l: List[a]): List[b] \ ef = ...
^^ // effect variable ^^ effect variable
The type and effect signature of map
states: If map
is given a function f
with effects ef
then calling map
has the effects ef
. That is, if f
pure (i.e. has no effects) then the call to map
will be pure. If f
has the
effect then the call to map
will have the IO
List.map(x -> x + 1, l) // has the { } effect (i.e., is pure)
List.map(x -> {println(x); x + 1}, l) // has the { IO } effect
A higher-order function that takes multiple function arguments may combine their effects.
For example, the Flix Standard Library definition of forward function
composition >>
takes two functions f
and g
, and composes them:
def >>(f: a -> b \ ef1, g: b -> c \ ef2): a -> c \ (ef1 + ef2) = x -> g(f(x))
The type and effect signature of >>
states: If map
is given two functions
with effects ef1
and g
with effects ef2
then it returns a new function
which has the union of effects ef1 + ef2
In Flix, the language of effects is based on set formulas:
- The complement of
is written~ef
. - The union of
is writtenef1 + ef2
. - The intersection of
is writtenef1 & ef2
. - The difference of
is writtenef1 - ef2
By far the most common operation is to compute the union of effects.
Its important to understand that there can be several ways to write the same
effect set. For example, ef1 + ef2
is equivalent to ef2 + ef1
, as one would
Effect Exclusion
A novel feature of Flix is its support for effect exclusion. In simple terms, effect exclusion allows us to write higher-order functions that disallow specific effects while allowing all other effects.
For example, we can write an event listener registration function:
def onClick(listener: KeyEvent -> Unit \ (ef - Block), ...): ...
Here the onClick
function takes an event listener that may have any effect,
except the Block
effect. Hence listener can perform any action, except for
an action that would block the UI thread.
As another example, we can write an exception handler function:
def recoverWith(f: Unit -> a \ Throw, h: ErrMsg -> a \ (ef - Throw)): a = ...
Here the recoverWith
function takes two function arguments: the function f
that may throw an exception and a handler h
which can handle the error.
Notably, the effect system enforces that h
cannot itself throw an exception.
Note: This feature is not yet enabled.
Flix supports sub-effecting which allows an expression or a function to widen its effect set.
For example, if we write:
if (???) { x -> x + 1 } else { x -> {println(x); x + 1}}
The first branch should have type Int32 -> Int32 \ { }
(i.e. it is pure)
whereas the second branch has type Int32 -> Int32 \ { IO }
. Without
sub-effecting these two types are incompatible because { } != { IO }
. However,
because of sub-effecting, Flix gives the first branch the type Int32 -> Int32 \ ef
for some fresh effect variable ef
. This allows type inference to widen
the effect of the first branch to IO
. Hence the compiler is able to type check
the whole expression.
As another example:
def handle(f: Unit -> a \ (ef + Throw)): a = ...
Here the handle
function expects a function argument f
with the Throw
effect. However, due to sub-effecting, we can still call the handle
with a pure function, i.e.:
def handle(x -> Throw.throw(x)) // OK, has the `Throw` effect.
def handle(x -> x) // OK, because of sub-effecting.
def handle(x -> println(x)) // Not OK, handle does not permit `IO`.
Flix also allows sub-effect in instance declarations.
For example, we can define the trait:
trait Foo[t] {
def f(x: t): Bool \ { IO }
where f
has the IO
effect. We can implement it:
instance Foo[Int32] {
def f(x: Int32): Bool = x == 0 // Pure function
The declared effect of f
is IO
, but here the implementation of f
is pure
(i.e., it has the empty effect set { }
). The program still type checks because
{ }
can be widened to IO
Flix, however, does not allow sub-effecting for top-level functions.
For example, if we declare the function:
def foo(): Bool \ IO = true
The Flix compiler emits the error message:
❌ -- Type Error ------------------------------
>> Expected type: 'IO' but found type: 'Pure'.
1 | def foo(): Bool \ IO = true
expression has unexpected type.
In summary, Flix allows effect widening in two cases: for (a) lambda expressions and (b) instance definitions. We say that Flix supports abstraction site sub-effecting and instance definition sub-effecting.