Effect-Oriented Programming
Programming with effects requires a new mindset, an effect-oriented mindset.
Imagine a programmer coming from JavaScript or Python to a statically-typed programming language such as C# or Java. If they continue to program with objects, maps, and strings without introducing their own types, then the benefits of a static type system are lost. In the same way, if a programmer comes to Flix without adapting an effect-oriented mindset then the benefits of the Flix type and effect system are lost.
In Flix, we can give every function the IO
effect and call effectful code
everywhere, but this is not effect-oriented programming and is a bad programming
style. A proper effect-oriented program architecture consists of a functional
core, which may use algebraic effects and handlers,
surrounded by an imperative shell that performs IO
. A good rule of thumb is
that IO
effect should be close to the main
We now illustrate these points with an example.
A Guessing Game — The Wrong Way
Consider the following program written in a mixed style of Flix and Java:
import java.lang.System
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.util.{Random => JRandom}
def getSecretNumber(): Int32 \ {NonDet, IO} =
let rnd = new JRandom();
def readGuess(): Result[String, String] \ IO =
let reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
let line = reader.readLine();
if (Object.isNull(line))
Result.Err("no input")
def readAndParseGuess(): Result[String, Int32] \ IO =
forM(g <- readGuess();
n <- Int32.parse(10, g)
) yield n
def gameLoop(secret: Int32): Unit \ IO = {
println("Enter a guess:");
match readAndParseGuess() {
case Result.Ok(g) =>
if (secret == g) {
} else {
case Result.Err(_) =>
println("Not a number? Goodbye.");
println("The secret was: ${secret}")
def main(): Unit \ {NonDet, IO} =
let secret = getSecretNumber();
Here every function, i.e. getSecretNumber
, readGuess
, readAndParseGuess
, and main
has the IO
effect. The consequence is that every
function can do anything. Note how effectful code is scattered everywhere
throughout the program.
Understanding, refactoring, and testing a program written in this style is a nightmare.
Programming in a effect-oriented style means that we should define effects for
every action that interacts with the outside world. We should then handle
these effects close to the main
A Guessing Game — The Right Way
Here is what we should have done:
import java.lang.System
import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.InputStreamReader;
import java.util.{Random => JRandom}
eff Guess {
def readGuess(): Result[String, String]
eff Secret {
def getSecret(): Int32
eff Terminal {
def println(s: String): Unit
def readAndParseGuess(): Result[String, Int32] \ {Guess} =
forM(g <- Guess.readGuess();
n <- Int32.parse(10, g)
) yield n
def gameLoop(secret: Int32): Unit \ {Guess, Terminal} = {
Terminal.println("Enter a guess:");
match readAndParseGuess() {
case Result.Ok(g) =>
if (secret == g) {
} else {
case Result.Err(_) =>
Terminal.println("Not a number? Goodbye.");
Terminal.println("The secret was: ${secret}")
def main(): Unit \ {NonDet, IO} =
run {
let secret = Secret.getSecret();
} with handler Secret {
def getSecret(_, resume) =
let rnd = new JRandom();
} with handler Guess {
def readGuess(_, resume) =
let reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(System.in));
let line = reader.readLine();
if (Object.isNull(line))
resume(Result.Err("no input"))
} with handler Terminal {
def println(s, resume) = { println(s); resume() }
Here, we have introduced three algebraic effects:
- A
effect that represents the action of asking the user for a guess. - A
effect that represents the action of picking a secret number. - A
effect that represents the action of printing to the console.
We have written each function to only use the relevant effects. For example, the
function uses the Guess
and Terminal
effects — and has no
other effects. Furthermore, all effects are now handled in one place: in the
function. The upshot is that the business is logic is purely functional.
Where impurity is needed, it is precisely encapsulated by the use of effects and