Using Flix to Solve Constraints on Lattices

Flix supports not only constraints on relations, but also constraints on lattices. To create such constraints, we must first define the lattice operations (the partial order, the least upper bound, and so on) as functions, associate them with a type, and then declare the predicate symbols that have lattice semantics.

We begin with the definition of the Sign data type:

enum Sign {
    case Top,
    case Neg,
    case Zer,
    case Pos,
    case Bot

We need to define the usual Eq, Order, and ToString instances for this new type. Note that the order instance is unrelated to the partial order instance we will later define, and is simply used to sort elements for pretty printing etc.

instance Eq[Sign] {
    pub def eq(x: Sign, y: Sign): Bool = match (x, y) {
        case (Bot, Bot) => true
        case (Neg, Neg) => true
        case (Zer, Zer) => true
        case (Pos, Pos) => true
        case (Top, Top) => true
        case _          => false

instance Order[Sign] {
    pub def compare(x: Sign, y: Sign): Comparison =
        let num = w -> match w {
            case Bot => 0
            case Neg => 1
            case Zer => 2
            case Pos => 3
            case Top => 4
        num(x) <=> num(y)

instance ToString[Sign] {
    pub def toString(x: Sign): String = match x {
        case Bot => "Bot"
        case Neg => "Neg"
        case Zer => "Zer"
        case Pos => "Pos"
        case Top => "Top"

With these trait instances in place, we can now define the lattice operations on Sign.

We define the bottom element and the partial order:

instance LowerBound[Sign] {
    pub def minValue(): Sign = Bot

instance PartialOrder[Sign] {
    pub def lessEqual(x: Sign, y: Sign): Bool =
        match (x, y) {
            case (Bot, _)   => true
            case (Neg, Neg) => true
            case (Zer, Zer) => true
            case (Pos, Pos) => true
            case (_, Top)   => true
            case _          => false

Next, we define the least upper bound and greatest lower bound:

instance JoinLattice[Sign] {
    pub def leastUpperBound(x: Sign, y: Sign): Sign =
        match (x, y) {
            case (Bot, _)   => y
            case (_, Bot)   => x
            case (Neg, Neg) => Neg
            case (Zer, Zer) => Zer
            case (Pos, Pos) => Pos
            case _          => Top

instance MeetLattice[Sign] {
    pub def greatestLowerBound(x: Sign, y: Sign): Sign =
        match (x, y) {
            case (Top, _)   => y
            case (_, Top)   => x
            case (Neg, Neg) => Neg
            case (Zer, Zer) => Zer
            case (Pos, Pos) => Pos
            case _          => Bot

With all of these definitions we are ready to write Datalog constraints with lattice semantics. But before we proceed, let us also write a single monotone function:

def sum(x: Sign, y: Sign): Sign = match (x, y) {
    case (Bot, _)   => Bot
    case (_, Bot)   => Bot
    case (Neg, Zer) => Neg
    case (Zer, Neg) => Neg
    case (Zer, Zer) => Zer
    case (Zer, Pos) => Pos
    case (Pos, Zer) => Pos
    case (Pos, Pos) => Pos
    case _          => Top

We can now finally put everything to use:

pub def main(): Unit \ IO =
    let p = #{
        LocalVar("x"; Pos).
        LocalVar("y"; Zer).
        LocalVar("z"; Neg).
        AddStm("r1", "x", "y").
        AddStm("r2", "x", "y").
        AddStm("r2", "y", "z").
        LocalVar(r; sum(v1, v2)) :-
            AddStm(r, x, y), LocalVar(x; v1), LocalVar(y; v2).
    query p select (r, v) from LocalVar(r; v) |> println

Note the careful use of ; to designate lattice semantics.

Using Lattice Semantics to Compute Shortest Paths

We can also use lattice semantics to compute shortest paths.

The key is to define our own new data type D which is simple an Int32 with forms a lattice with the reverse order of the integers (e.g. the smallest element is Int32.maxValue()).

pub enum D with Eq, Order, ToString {
    case D(Int32)

instance PartialOrder[D] {
    pub def lessEqual(x: D, y: D): Bool = 
        let D(n1) = x;
        let D(n2) = y;
        n1 >= n2        // Note: Order reversed.

instance LowerBound[D] {
    // Note: Because the order is reversed, the largest value is the smallest.
    pub def minValue(): D = D(Int32.maxValue())

instance UpperBound[D] {
    // Note: Because the order is reversed, the smallest value is the largest.
    pub def maxValue(): D = D(Int32.minValue())

instance JoinLattice[D] {
    pub def leastUpperBound(x: D, y: D): D = 
        let D(n1) = x;
        let D(n2) = y;
        D(Int32.min(n1, n2))        // Note: Order reversed.

instance MeetLattice[D] {
    pub def greatestLowerBound(x: D, y: D): D = 
        let D(n1) = x;
        let D(n2) = y;
        D(Int32.max(n1, n2))        // Note: Order reversed.

def shortestPath(g: Set[(t, Int32, t)], o: t): Map[t, D] with Order[t] =
    let db = inject g into Edge;
    let pr = #{
        Dist(o; D(0)).
        Dist(y; add(d1 , D(d2))) :- Dist(x; d1), Edge(x, d2, y).
    query db, pr select (x , d) from Dist(x; d) |> Vector.toMap

def add(x: D, y: D): D = 
    let D(n1) = x;
    let D(n2) = y;
    D(n1 + n2)

def main(): Unit \ IO = 
    let g = Set#{
        ("Aarhus", 200, "Flensburg"),
        ("Flensburg", 150, "Hamburg")
    println(shortestPath(g, "Aarhus"))

Flix actually comes with a type like D built-in. It's called Down and simply reverses the order on the underlying type. We can use it and write the program as:

def shortestPaths(g: Set[(t, Int32, t)], o: t): Map[t, Down[Int32]] with Order[t] =
    let db = inject g into Edge;
    let pr = #{
        Dist(o; Down(0)).
        Dist(y; add(d1 , Down(d2))) :- Dist(x; d1), Edge(x, d2, y).
    query db, pr select (x , d) from Dist(x; d) |> Vector.toMap

def add(x: Down[Int32], y: Down[Int32]): Down[Int32] = 
    let Down(n1) = x;
    let Down(n2) = y;
    Down(n1 + n2)

def main(): Unit \ IO = 
    let g = Set#{
        ("Aarhus", 200, "Flensburg"),
        ("Flensburg", 150, "Hamburg")
    println(shortestPaths(g, "Aarhus"))