
When debugging, it is often helpful to output the value of an expression or variable.

We might try something like:

def sum(x: Int32, y: Int32): Int32 =
    x + y

Unfortunately this does not work:

❌ -- Type Error -------------------------------------------------- Main.flix

>> Impure function declared as pure.

1 | def sum(x: Int32, y: Int32): Int32 =
        impure function.

The problem is that printing is inherently an effectful operation and hence we cannot use it to debug our pure functions! We could make our sum function have the IO effect, but that is rarely what we want. Fortunately, Flix has a built-in debugging facility that allows us to do print-line debugging.

The dbg Function

Flix has a dbg (short for "debug") function, with the same signature as the identity function:

def dbg(x: a): a

The dbg "function" isn't really a function; rather its internal compiler magic that allows you to print any value while fooling the type and effect system into believing that it is still pure. Using the dbg function this program:

def sum(x: Int32, y: Int32): Int32 =
    x + y

Now compiles and runs.

The dbg function returns its argument. Hence its convenient to use in many situations.

For example, we can write:

def sum(x: Int32, y: Int32): Int32 = dbg(x + y)

to print the value of x + y and return it.

We can also use it inside e.g. a for-yield expression:

for(i <- List.range(0, 10);
    j <- dbg(List.range(i, 10)))
    yield (i, j)

Or in a pipeline:

List.range(1, 100) |> -> dbg(x + 1)) |>
List.filter(x -> dbg(x > 5))

Debug Format

The dbg expression (and its variants) do not use the ToString trait. Instead they print the internal Flix representation of the given value.

For example, the expression:

dbg(1 :: 2 :: Nil)


Cons(1, Cons(2, Nil))

We can also print values that do not have a ToString instance:

dbg(x -> x + 123)


Int32 -> Int32

We can always obtain the ToString representation by using an interpolated string. For example:


Debug Variants

The dbg function comes in three variants:

  • dbg: Prints its argument.
  • dbg!: Prints its argument and source location.
  • dbg!!: Prints its argument, source location, and source code.

The following program:

def main(): Unit =
    dbg("A message");
    dbg!("Another message");
    dbg!!("A third message");


"A message"
[C:\tmp\flix\Main.flix:3] "Another message"
[C:\tmp\flix\Main.flix:4] A third message = "A third message"

The third dbg!! variant is intended to be used in situations like:

let x = 123;
let y = 456;
dbg!!(x + y)

where it prints:

[C:\tmp\flix\Main.flix:3] x + y = 579

Note: The dbg expression should not be used in production code.

Warning: The Flix compiler treats the dbg expression as pure, hence under certain circumstances the compiler may reorder or entirely remove a use of dbg.