Publishing a Package on GitHub

Flix packages are published on GitHub.

Automatically Publishing a Package

Flix can automatically package and publish artifacts on GitHub by following these steps:

  1. Check that you have a flix.toml manifest (if not create one with init).
  2. Check that the version field in flix.toml is correct.
  3. Check that the repository field in flix.toml is correct. (e.g. repository = "github:user/repo")
  4. Check that you have a GitHub token which has read and write access to Contents for the relevant repository.
    • If not go to GitHub and navigate to Settings > Developer settings > Personal access tokens and create a new token.
  5. Run check and test to ensure that everything looks alright.
  6. Run release --github-token <TOKEN>. You should see:
Found `flix.toml'. Checking dependencies...
Resolving Flix dependencies...
Downloading Flix dependencies...
Resolving Maven dependencies...
  Running Maven dependency resolver.
Downloading external jar dependencies...
Dependency resolution completed.
Release github:user/repo v1.2.3? [y/N]: y
Building project...
Publishing new release...

 Successfully released v1.2.3

Tip: See the Museum Project for an example of a package that has been published on GitHub.

Tip: Flix will read the GitHub token from the environment variable GITHUB_TOKEN, if available.

Tip: Flix will also read the GitHub token from the file .GITHUB_TOKEN, if available.

Note: You cannot publish artifacts for empty GitHub repositories.

Warning: Be sure to keep your token safe!

Manually Publishing a Package

A package can also be manually published by following these steps:

  1. Check that you have a flix.toml manifest (if not create one with init).
  2. Check that the version field in flix.toml is correct.
  3. Run check and test to ensure that everything looks correct.
  4. Run build-pkg. Check that the artifact directory is populated.
  5. Go to the repository on GitHub:
    1. Click "Releases".
    2. Click "Draft new release".
    3. Enter a tag of the form v1.2.3 (i.e. use SemVer).
    4. Upload the package.fpkg and flix.toml from the artifact directory.

Warning: You must upload both the package file (foo.fpkg) and the manifest file (flix.toml).