
Note: This feature is experimental and not yet intended for use.

Flix does not support sub-typing nor sub-effecting.

Nevertheless, there is way to use both in a safe manner.

For example, the following program does not compile:

def main(): Unit =
    let s = "Hello World";
    let o: ##java.lang.Object = s;


❌ -- Type Error --------------------------------------------------

>> Expected type: 'Object' but found type: 'String'.

4 |     let o: ##java.lang.Object = s;
                                    expression has unexpected type.

i.e. the String type is not the same as the Object type.

We can, however, safely upcast from String to Object:

def main(): Unit =
    let s = "Hello World";
    let o: ##java.lang.Object = upcast s;

As another example, if we have a higher-order function which expects an effectful function:

def hof(f: a -> b \ IO): Unit = ???

def main(): Unit =
    hof(x -> x + 1) // Does not compile

We cannot pass the pure function x -> x + 1 because hof expects a function with effect IO.

We can, however, safely upcast the pure function type Int32 -> Int32 to Int32 -> Int32 \ IO:

def hof(f: a -> b \ IO): Unit = ???

def main(): Unit =
    hof(upcast (x -> x + 1))

which permits the program to compile.